4 Best Tripods that will enhance your photography/videography experience - How To


Wednesday 22 July 2020

4 Best Tripods that will enhance your photography/videography experience

4 Best Lightweight Tripods Travel that will enhance your photography/videography experience

Hey guys what's up everyone I'm the team member of the website How To. And today's article is gonna be all about Best Tripods for travel for vlogging for Youtube for Photography and for video shot. What tripods right for you and what features to look for all. So let's get into it but real quick before we start talking about tripods. I needed to spell some rumors and honestly, I can't believe I'm saying this but I've heard some rumors that people think tripods are kind of maybe a little lame they think they can just grab their cameras. Well, I'm here to set you straight tripods are cooler than the other side of a pillow. In fact depending on what type of content you shoot. Tripods are right up there in importance with cameras and lenses are so vital. In fact I pretty much carry a tripod wherever I go nowadays because even if I don't need it. I never know when I'll need it that being said. Today we are gonna talk about four kinds of tripods. I'm gonna describe some features we're gonna try and decide which tripod is the best for you. If you want to purchase any of the tripods I talked about in this article but you don't have to they might have some features you like some you don't they might be too cheap they might be too expensive so no pressure there. I just thought I'd throw it out there regardless let's get to the point of this article. We are starting of with tabletop tripods. Top 5 Best vlogging Camera for beginner

Tabletop Tripod


Here we talk about the Manfrotto Pixie Mini Tripod that is Best Tripod for Travel and Tour. Now coming in at under $20 on a good day this thing is cheap it's lightweight pretty durable feeling plastic actually. There might be actually I think there's top parts metal regardless. It has good build quality. I love the form factor it's probably around 8 inches high you can stuff it in your pocket, toss it in a bag. It fits pretty much anywhere and doesn't take up much space on top of that it has this super flexible ball head up top it uses one button which I love you. By pressing this ball you can move your camera at any angle. The ball head holds its position pretty well this is pretty much the most basic tripod you can buy but don't underestimate it. If you're looking for something small if you're looking for something lightweight this is just a solid option again you should be able to find it for around 15 to 20 dollars $. The legs flip out just like so and it's called a tabletop tripod because you can just place it on a tabletop on a desk on a dresser on the floor. It definitely has its limits but it's a very good first tripod but these tripods aren't perfect for starters. They can't support a lot of weight. If I switch to something like 75 to 300 millimeters then if the camera is not moving too much it can hold up fine. But let's say I'm using it to vlog or just putting an even heavier setup on them then the ball head moves a little bit. The red controller button design is incredibly quick. It's honestly amazing for smaller cameras but it's not ideal for larger setups on top of that and this one's kind of obvious this tripod is really low to the ground. If I started filming using this tripod it wouldn't look too good. If you need a low to the ground shot, this is great but if you're out taking landscapes a lot of the time you want that tripod it eyes the level may be a waist level. Guy's just not gonna cut it and one final con is you can't shoot portrait orientated with this tripod so if you're trying to take pictures of something tall or you're trying to do that vertical video this tripod not going to be at much use to you overall it's great for casual use maybe you just need to set up a quick shot get that family photo with the BBQ it's a great little tripod to keep in your bag either as a primary or a nice little secondary and I'm actually using this as a vlogging tripod right now. Now I'm using this Tripod for Travelling. I really enjoy it's works with my Canon 18 and 55. So I actually get a lot of use out of it but it's probably not the only tripod you want in your arsenal.

Gorilla Tripod

Our second Best Tripod for Travelling and for other shoting is Gorilla Tripod.


Sometimes you're gonna want something a little more flexible and that's where something like a bendy gorilla pod is gonna come into play so our next category call travel versatile Casey nice that vlogging tripods. If you watch a decent amount of YouTube this is probably the most well-known tripod out there. I don't use this as much anymore but I used to use it a lot it's still really valuable. But the main reason everybody loves this is because it's probably the most versatile tripod ever made so let's talk about it. So the reason everyone likes this is because it's bendy legs. You can wrap them around things I'm surprised that actually cut you can wrap them around things that have all these flexible joints rubber bumps rubber feet. You can mount your camera to trees to pulls pretty much anything you can think on top of that. They have a really small and fairly quick to adjust the ball head it's got these quick detachable plates. The head actually pans pretty. smoothly I mean it feels free to take a look at that you can see it's super loose. It's not going anywhere now like the tabletop tripod this thing is super light. It's made of plastic rubber and metal. It's gonna be a little bit bigger this one's probably 11 inches tall it won't fit in your pocket but for the most part, you'll never have to think twice about carrying it personally, I either throw it in a water bottle pouch sometimes I'll literally just wrap a leg around part of my backpack and be on my way but this tripod is far from perfect and while it's one of the most used tripods on. The market it's probably one of the most hated as well and that's for a couple of reasons first it is stupidly expensive. Especially right now I think I paid $60 for mine when I looked it up before this article, it goes for $80 $80 for this little tripod, and while yes it's a super versatile valuable really incredible tool. The problem is they don't last very long now to be fair .I've had that particular one for a little bit over a year now and it still works but I also don't use it a ton and when I do use it I really just set it up like a normal tripod. I almost never wrap it around things in practical use but if you go online look up reviews or me also know people personally that have had an issue with them, you'll notice that they tend to break in under a year which really sucks. When you're spending like $80 on a tripod you expect it to last a little longer than that I actually do have an old Gorillapod hybrid that I had this issue with. Now it was kind of my fault I was using a camera that was a little bit over the payload and what happened was if I cracked the joint here it's kind of a decent job fixing it I wrapped it in tape and then I used to like a twisty tie to hold the tape on and to be honest it feels just like new. Now but I just wish they could make these joints a little stronger but all that being said the reason these are still so popular is there's not a better tool out there that can do as much as this can. If you want super low to the ground shots are gonna set up a tripod super quickly and then change and start filming yourself or you just need a taller tripod or you want to shoot portrait orientated gorilla pods are super fast super versatile. They don't have the best longevity and they're kind of spendy but not really anything else can do it they do and they're definitely a do everything tripod because of those flexible legs even though it's not that tall you can almost always find a way to get the shot moving on next. We've got travel/photography tripods mine in particulars are Rangers 56 inches. I think that's what it's called I bought it on Amazon and it is probably the most cost-effective beneficial 60 or so dollars that I've spent since I started photography and film making if you want a tripod that's good for everything except for blogging this is what I recommend. I hop it would be also your Best Tripod.

Rangers Tripod

On number we have a Rangers Tripod that is also Best Tripod for Travel and other purpose.


Now if you're looking for a full-size tripod that you want to take it with you. Then you need to get something that folds. And also this is the Best Tripod for video Conference Trust me it's just gonna make your life a lot easier thankfully my tripod this Ranger's tripod does this it allows me to just throw it on the side of my bag and take it wherever I want on top of that for its size, it's pretty lightweight not as light as either of these guys, But for its size, it's pretty lightweight comes in and around two-and-a-half three pounds somewhere in that range so while it is less portable it's a full-sized tripod and plus I could use the exercise if you're into landscape photography. I tripod like this is a must and whether you go with this one or something similar. This has a lot of features that you're really gonna appreciate when you're out hiking a mountain exploring in the woods whatever there are a lot of things on this tripod that I think you'll appreciate. So whether you go with this one or something different. I'll show you some things that I personally love so with this particular one, you can get pretty much any shot you can think of with it. It adjusts to being super low to the ground it also raises up high to shoot over bushes or whatever you can shoot landscape or portrait orientated and you can even take out the main tube flip it upside down and get some top-down shots. If you really need to and it also turns into a monopod if you ever need that now this particular tripod also has flip locks which are the best thing since sliced bread. I mean seriously you saw in this intro look how quick these are to set up a lot of the time I decide. I need a tripod at the moment something is happening or I'll be hiking with friends who aren't photographers and they want me to hurry up and get my shot. So we can get on with the hike whatever the reason it's always really important to consider set-up time for a tripod something like the travel tripods has an almost the instantaneous setup which is super cool bigger heavier tripods have a really long set-up time kind of a pain in the butt for full-size tripods there are two main types of locking mechanisms there are twist locks where you twist it a little bit and you can pull out the legs and then there are flip locks where you just flip the switch pull out. The leg flips it back personally and this is just one man's opinion. I think the twist locks are a huge pain in the butt, I've used them only a couple times when I was borrowing someone else's a tripod for a short film and I hope I never buy one myself the flip locks are just so much faster. So if setup time is something that's important to you I would definitely look into the flip locks although I would say they're probably not as durable although I haven't had any issues with mine on top of that these tripods almost always have detachable plates like this one which is super helpful for quickening that set-up time you screw in the plate to the bottom of your camera, you can just pop it off whenever you want to pop it on twist it locks it you're ready to go and one last thing to look for is can the tripod pan or tilt, unfortunately, mine doesn't do smooth tilt but you can get some decent pans, Once you've practiced a little because there's a separate knob that releases the ball head only in one axis it's not ideal but you can get some decent panning video but again it takes some practice and while the ball head is incredible for photography and making adjustments to any angle. It is tough to get level all the time and also one more thing to look for is this tripod actually has a hook at the bottom what you can do is you can hang something like your camera bag your purse fanny pack and you can hang your bag by that hook to make it more stable in the wind or just less likely to get knocked over by your clumsy friend. But like every tripod this thing has some drawbacks so first while the ball head is great it's super quick to adjust your camera and make quick adjustments. It's tough to get level and it's not great for video work now my particular one can get decent pans with practice but tilts are pretty much luck of the draw and on top of that, it can be tough to get you the camera perfectly level when there's one knob controlling every axis and again this is not as convenient as a pocket tripod this will not fit in your pockets. Do not try to put it in your pocket. So if you want to take a tripod like this anywhere you're gonna have to either put it in a bag or just carry it with one arm probably the biggest condom my particular tripod and these collapsible full-sized tripods, in general, is they don't always get super tall so this guy for instance, only goes to 56 inches tall. If you ask any of my friends over 6-foot they'll tell you I'm not the tallest but I'm certainly taller than like 4 foot 8 that means this tripod isn't the best for filming talking headshots if I'm standing up it's not the best for taking photos of other people because I don't want to be looking up their nose and even if I'm just taking pictures of landscapes I'm gonna have to hunch over a little a bit but for me at least this tripod is super versatile. It's quick to set up relatively lightweight despite a few kinds of big flaws it's the best tripod for me right now. I'm very happy with it.

Video Tripod

On the number four we have a Video Tripod. If you guys love to shot video or you are professionally Camera-man trust me this tripod is actually Best Tripod for you.


The last thing we've got video tripods which is sort of a broad genre at least for this article, we're just talking about tripods with a pan and 10 head on top now these can range from being super cheap it like ten dollars to super heavy-duty supporting 40-pound payloads it like 500 plus dollars but generally speaking, a video tripod is gonna be able to hold more than a photography tripod because (Best Cameras for beginner) DSLR and mirrorless cameras in with a big lens tend to stay under 10 pounds or as big video cameras like a rad something for commercials can get well over 20 pounds so again generally speaking these are gonna be more heavy-duty now the one I used my friend's I started using it one day and I just sort of never gave it back. If I can find it online I'll throw a link to it but I don't really recommend it but it'll work for the purpose of this article so on top of being sturdy one thing that's nice about these is they're pretty adjustable. They won't get as low to the ground or get some weird angles like a photography tripod but they can get really tall and on top of that, they have pan-tilt heads which are super useful for video. Whether you're trying to follow a subject or just get some super creamy smooth be rule these tripods are gonna be great for that kind of stuff everything else is gonna be similar to our lightweight photography tripods. They can have flip locks they can have screw locks they can have hooks they can have different kinds of feet but pretty much the main reason to get one of these is either. If you have a heavier setup or you want to get some smooth pans and tilts now some quick cons they're not gonna be as portable as photography tripods they're gonna take a little bit longer to set up because instead of one ball head that adjusts every axis you're gonna have to twist something and move for three different axes and on top of that my particular one doesn't have a detachable plate but that's kind of uncommon a lot of them do. Nowadays overall they're great for video okay for photography and pretty much the least portable tripod you can get okay so none of these were like official group names for tripods these are just for kind of general styles those tripods that kind of fit right in these categories, some fit in between these categories, for instance, you can get travel to fold up tripods and then just chuck up and tilt head on it. So it's kind of the do-everything tripod I guess my point is there's a lot of different tripods on the market these were just the general groups. That I decided to talk about so how do you pick the right tripod for you only you can decide that everyone's gonna have a little bit of a different checklist want a little bit different things have a little bit different needs so my best advice is that read the article again or just think about the things I talked about and make a checklist of all the things you want in a tripod and then go online and see what you can find in your price range that checks most of the boxes if not all of them if you're sitting here right now and you're like oh I just don't know I can only afford one tripod now there's so many options what have you done to me just take a deep breath calm down if you don't know if you're gonna be doing more photography more videography maybe you want to vlog a little but none of these tripods are ticking every box my personal recommendation it's gonna be the travel photography tripod it's gonna check a lot of boxes the only thing it's gonna be terrible for is vlogging but you can always blog by just holding your camera in front of you which is actually. How blogging started so it's not a huge the deal for whatever it's worth I use my Ranger's photography tripod which is what I'm filming on right now for 80% of my photos and videos the other 20% I just use this guy which is relatively cheap.

Chose a Right  Tripod for yourself according to your Work

Hopefully this article was able to help you out you're still having questions you just can't decide hit me up in the comment section down below it's getting as this website grows but I still try to remain fairly active in the comments section and I'll try to personally help you out as always if you like this article be sure to like it if you have any questions have any comments hit up that comment section down below and if you want to see more content like this considers subscribing to this website by submitting your email. Hey what tripod are you currently using and which one do you have your eye on for your next purchase let me know in the comment section down below and I'll see you all in the next one Love you all bye-bye

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